
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Graduation Speech

I will always cherish the time I spent in this district. I remember my first day of school, watching the big yellow school bus pull up to my block, and slowly climbing up the steps to find a seat, knowing that it was just the beginning of a new journey.
We had a lot of fun in Kindergarten. Watching butterflies grow and then releasing them, making friends, playing outside on the playground, and of course having nap time. Our first field trip was to the circus, where we watched elephants perform tricks, people being shot out of cannons, and acrobats, while we ate popcorn and played with our red foam noses.
    First grade, we made more friends, and learned advanced addition and subtraction.
    In second grade, we talked about tadpoles turning into frogs, and even got to watch them grow and take the frogs home at the end of the year. Some people's frogs are still alive!
    In third grade, we learned multiplication and division, and took a field trip to the Shedd Aquarium.
    Fourth grade, we played silent-ball, spent G-Bucks, and even got our own customized bucks at the end of the year.
    Fifth grade, coming to this school scared of the big kids, worrying about getting lost or trampled, and taking a field trip we would rather forget. I remember taking a tour of the school and thinking how cool the school was because of the commons with the purple pie shaped couches, and how we could walk to each class without having to have a teacher walk us.  
    In sixth grade, we took an amazing field trip to Medieval times, touring the dungeon, eating the food, and cheering for the black/white horse and knight. In Mrs. Nelson’s class, we chanted the greek and latin roots so many times, i can still remember some of them.
    In seventh grade, we took a field trip to Springfield.
    In eighth grade, the class of 2016 successfully performed “The Living Storybook” Play three times. I will never forget the fun we had creating the play, having our hair and makeup done, and bonding with our cast members. Unfortunately, we didn’t get a chance to go to D.C. this year.
    I’ve known most of my classmates since kindergarten, i've even known a few of them since preschool. We have all grown up so much since our first day of school and I look forward to seeing how we all grow up in high school. Thank you to all the teachers throughout the year who have taught us so much and to the parents for supporting us. Thank You!

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